Human Rights and Feminism
“The world is fast evolving in almost everything”, many say just like I did in the last post, but continue nonchalantly with whatever primitive thoughts they have, live with continual reference to the past and no actual consensus is ever established. We all know many human rights have been in many ways infringed upon with time and in some cases people had to stand up for what they believe in. This usually gives rise to movements and ideologies, mostly a variety of “isms” and many more.
Issues arise from a lot of areas and many people, whether affected or not, try as much as possible to combat them in the little way they can due to ones entitlement in terms of speech or opinion🤔. Infringement of these rights are seemingly questioned depending on many things. Cases may rise where even though the main happening was bad, it may seem justified. Many isms have openly been faced and noted as the flaws in the system.

One of the most popular ones today comes from discrimination of women way back in the 19th century.
Feminism has since then been a topic of discussion as it addressed a lot of topics regarding the equality of sexes👀. With the advancement in time and change seen in some of the affected areas, satisfaction is hardly ever reached due to most issues being a thing of the mind. At the end of the day, a lot of people never find what they’re looking for 😟 due to the great difference in the perspectives of feminists themselves. Wiki says they are making effort to fight gender stereotypes and gain equality of sexes while the members fight for extinction of man👨. The start of a world Gender Crisis!!! as the biased nature of life have been so kind to help the biologically weaker gender rise to state the flaws of the system which goes thus. 🙋🙋🙋
Quick question, did you know there is a men’s right movement which fights issues that discriminate against men generally? Whether yes or no, you don’t see them painting all issues as theirs.
The worst part is more than half of the time; the actual human rights are then neglected because one ends up battling what someone insinuated about an issue in a particular post in the depths of social media.
Arguments are then based on, “all claims may not be what they seem to be”. 🙄😒 Like that wasn’t established at the forefront.

In the end, it all ends up being the world VS women all in the name of the biologically weak gender is rising to stand for what they believe in😅. This alone has brought about many controversial moments where the general public is wowed by the “absurd” mindset of some people under the call of Feminism, which is one of the most controversial of the “isms” due to the variety of claims it has made these days due to difference in perspective. As much as one is entitled to his or her opinions and beliefs, understanding another’s point of view is key.
On that note, there’s is no issue that comes out today that isn’t subject to jokes, no matter the severity of the matter. Learn to separate your feelings from jokes because in the end most stereotypes can’t be combated but it’s the same weakness that seems to be the cause
Readers will come up with literally anything to justify their thoughts or actions, it’s not rocket science so don’t pocket it all and fall from the weight in the end.
In the end no one knows what they are fighting for.
Imagine an issue comes out and the two sides are reasoning it out, whose voice will you hear louder, which will you take more seriously and which do you think you will relate more to and see reasons with?
And Why?
The main point to be considered is , don’t hate on others especially due to gender.

Thank you for reading and feedback is welcome.🤗