A Friend Beyond This World: Melchy
Stories are generally used to express thoughts, tell tales and many more. It could be in different forms; true life, fiction, non-fiction... and in several genres depending on the writer.

Here’s one of mine and it’s up to you to define where it falls.🙂
Creating a new character was hard as I had to make up my mind for a lot of things. I never had a gender preference because it was a grave topic in the world, always judgy and sometimes sinister in these new times. I never had an actual style I wanted it to be in for I couldn't pick a favourite. The need to place one to everything was so overwhelming. It was like wallowing in the thoughts of a person who lay in the depths of one's mind, it was never-ending. In the end, it was a cloud of warmth I felt but I gave up.
I had many other things to think of, after all, I had a school presentation on what I wanted to be in future with only the next day as grace. I would soon be leaving high school and I felt I had to know at least.
The next day was not farfetched as the gears in my mind were turning, hammers and saws were at work. A new day, a new migraine it was. That was until I noticed a being in front of me. It smiled and I knew just who it was.
I named him Melchy. I gave it the name due to the importance of the new fellow to me. It was all I ever wanted, all I’ve ever craved for and what I’ll never be. I was not lost, just ecstatic as I brought up the life of a complete fantasy deep in my mind. One I adored to the core in an endless alternate universe, and always hoped to be a reality. Most important of all, a new friend.
We talked and talked like we’ve known each other for years till it was time to hold a meeting. After a while, the round table was finally set as all kinds of delicacies were in abundance. My failed experiments seated awaiting my right hand and second in command, Melchy and me. My biggest decision was about to be made that day- What I want to be in future. It came in its all glory and gave suggestions, all of which we laughed about till it whispered smoothly, "Build up more people, be a teacher", and I was fulfilled.
My school mates thought I was weird the next day in class, "Who wants to be a Teacher?", they all said pointing and laughing at me at the same time. The teacher pat my head and smiled at me, "God Bless our Country", She said. I was confused. Weird woman, always says a quick prayer every time.
I felt tired, at only 13 I had reached the peak of tiredness. School was naturally dead, my classmates were a burden and my friends were non-existent. “The teachers always pretend to be happy and then go along their ways after saying a short prayer, most likely laughing at me in their Lounge”, Melchy said. So much for a religious school huh. Break was on so I didn’t have to deal with them. Soon, they’ll beg me.
I decided to tell my parents about my dreams for the future and also inform them about Melchy when I got home that day. They didn’t take it well with me, said I was having too much grown-up stuff in my head, said my friend was weird too. They wanted him off the radar. They felt he was unrealistic.
"Let's just meet the parents", they said.
I was finally able to get something out to them and they hated it as their looks said it all. They didn't like Melchy, felt he was strange. If only I were him with no insecurities, no breakdowns, but I was just silly ole me and my fancy long skirts.
Age was never the matter to me, everyone had problems no matter how small. I told them they couldn't meet him, he decides who to show himself to. They were frantic, said I was seeing things. He was real and that was all that mattered. Melchy told me the best thing to do was to leave them, to let them think of what they had said all through the years to me. So we left home to spend the day at the park hiding from all familiar life forms. It was fun, we played so much till it was night time.
I went home and met everyone waiting for me, they yelled and cried due to their weakness and no other reason.
Morning came and I was fine, just fine but Melchy said no one still believed me. They said they would give me "real” friends, but lied, instead they took me to a fancy home with no colours, the teachers were silent and creepy. It was sad because just yesterday, I was enjoying at home and now in a foreign place. It seemed they’d been planning to send me away in a long time. Even the students were weird too, although I never felt left out for they never conversed. I was going to be a great teacher as with time I’ll bust them out of their bubble.
The first meeting with my new teacher was creepy as she looked up at me like she was trying to get into my head, Melchy said she had a lot of issues and that brought her here. I told her about my family and best friend. She smiled at me weirdly all through and when I was done she got up from her seat, and our talk was over. I had warmed up to her, no Maths, English or any other subjects. I felt free and smiled happily.
She looked at me sadly and at that moment I knew I might just be here for a long time.
I had stayed there for almost 5 years when I was taught the art of the worldly perspectives and pretence. Melchy had shown me the way, I only had to control that part of me for the world wouldn't understand. I was a writer now and decided to share my pain.
Just as I picked up the pen to write it all out, I was blank.
The End.
Many have different ways to cope with a lot, this is just one. There are different forms of therapeutic actions that help people in issues they face; ranging from toys, imagination, music, healthcare and many more. It's up to you to define what you use to cope with things you're affected by.
Take care❤
Thank you for your time, I’m grateful. Share and comment, that’s be nice too☺